Primary School Leavers Assembly Ideas
How to conduct a primary school leavers assembly that is fun, moving and memorable…
It’s the end of year and your Year 6 class is leaving, thinking of a theme for your primary school leaver’s assembly can be tough. Trying to incorporate positive memories and enable your pupils to progress on to their next stepping stone in education can sometimes be a very daunting process. The pressure to get the leavers assembly just right and not do a repeat of the year before can sometimes be over whelming. Here are some ideas for Primary School Leavers assembly that involve student participation.
Happy Memories
Each of your pupils will have happy memories of their primary school years and now is the chance for a little reminiscing. Each child could prepare a script and present or act out something funny that has happened while at school. From Sports Day to School Trips in sure they will all have fantastic memories. If some of your pupils lack confidence, other teachers could present memories to the class. Depending on time you could put together a memory film and your class could put it together. You could even get pupils to read out memories of the other pupils in their class. You could then play the film at your assembly and even hand out copies for your leavers to take home.
A Play or Musical
A play or a musical can always been fun and entertaining and if that’s the aim for your leavers assembly then this might be the assembly idea for you. Choose a panto for lots of laughter and memories or even a traditional tale with a moral message for your end of year show. If your year 6’s are not into drama you could put together a more tradition show, with leavers reading out moving on speeches from teachers and songs written by the children especially for the leavers assemblies, such as songs that reflect on friendship and memories.
TV-Based Leaver’s Assemblies
You could also base your primary school leavers assembly around a TV programme that most of them are likely to recognise. For Example:
- Teacher’s Got Talent, with the children as judges.
- I’m a Year 6… Get Me Out of Here! – I’m a Celebrity-themed leavers assembly (minus the jungle, and with rather less distressing challenges). Here’s a ready-made script that just needs to be edited with your school’s own in-jokes.
- Dr Who – a trip back in time to recall memories from school.
10 Years on – School Reunion
Get your year 6 leaver’s class to fast forward in time to 10 years later where they are all attending a school reunion. Ask your pupils to act and dress as they think they would in 10 years’ time. They can talk about what they are up to. It would be a good idea to have a photo shoot afterwards and get them to write down their future personas, they can then keep these to look back on in later life.
A Night at the Oscars
You could put on your school’s very own Oscar Awards, you could award your pupils with both serious and silly titles, and the teachers could also be included in this. You could even ask the pupils to give speeches after receiving their nominations and thank other pupils and teachers.
Six Years in Photos
If the above activities are too much, you could put together a PowerPoint presentation containing photos of the children to show their progression throughout their school years. Play sentimental music in the background and include funny comments, messages from teachers and so on. You could turn the presentation into a booklet and hand out copies for leavers to keep at the end, so they can refer back to it in the future.
Primary Teaching Services can help you to have a brilliant leavers assembly. From our favourite graduation certificates to end of term pupil gifts and attendance rewards, PTS is in the perfect position to support you at the end of the school year.