Beginners Guide to Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset is increasing in popularity in schools across the UK. If you’ve been considering introducing Growth Mindset in your classroom, but you’re wondering where to start, take a look at our short Beginners Guide to Growth Mindset video…
A pupil with a growth mindset sees intelligence as something that can be developed through hard work and resilience.
To get started with encouraging your class to develop a Growth Mindset, there are four main areas that you can focus on:
- Change the way you praise Rather than praising intelligence or cleverness, praise how hard your pupils are working and how hard they are trying, even if they don’t succeed,
- Realistic expectations Set challenging but achievable expectations and communicate these to your class clearly
- Classroom culture Create a culture that values learning and development rather than celebrating intelligence
- Positive mental attitude Help your pupils to master the art of positive self-talk so that they continue to try their best
There are many benefits to encouraging a Growth Mindset in the classroom for your pupils. It will help them to:
- Welcome constructive feedback
- Be more willing to try difficult tasks
- Persist at a difficult task for much longer
- Experience less stress and improved wellbeing
- Have better self-esteem
PTS offers a range of products to support you with Growth Mindset in the classroom. Go to https://www.primaryteaching.co.uk/collections/growth-mindset to find out more.